In the small West Oxfordshire town of Bampton (Bampton-in-the-bush) Morris dancing has a very long history, and the Morris is taken quite seriously. Bampton is one of the very few English towns or villages with a unique Morris tradition that has an unbroken history stretching back centuries. The Bampton Morris dances are among the most popular of the dances favoured by revival Morris sides in England and throughout the world. Today Bampton has no fewer than three Morris sides (or teams) representing the tradition.
Welcome to the web home of the Traditional Bampton Morris Dancers where you can learn about the Bampton Morris as embodied in the history and dances of our side.
Next Appearance
We are hibernating for the winter, practicing a bit perhaps, and our next public appearance will be the traditional Whit Monday (Whitsun) dancing on 26th May 2025. Visit our page from 2024 for an idea of what the day will be like.
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